Cell Referencce
-A cell references is the address of cell in electronic spreadsheet program
-It is denoted by column label and row number.
a) Relative Cell Reference:
-It is the default cell reference in MS-Excel which can be identified by Column label and row number.
-When the cell is copied from one location to another location column label and row number will be changed.
-for eg. A5, C20 etc
b) Absolute Cell Reference:
-When the cell is copied from one location to another location of sheet then cell reference will not be changes
- Absolute cell reference can be made using the Dollar($) symbol.
- It is also called the Fixed cell reference.
-For eg. $A$1
c) Mixed Cell Reference:
-A mixed cell reference is a reference that contains both absolute and relative references.
-For example, if you have a formula that sums the values in cells A1:A5, you might want to refer to cell A1 absolute so that it never changes, but make the references to cells A2:A5 relative.
-eg. $A1, This tells Excel to keep the reference to cell A1 absolute but to make the references to cells A2:A5 relative.
Cell Reference
-Cell Reference एउटा MS-Excel प्रोग्राममा Cell हरुको पहिचान गर्नलाई प्रयोग गरिने प्रणाली हो
-Cell reference कोलमको लेवल र रोमा रहेको नम्बरको आधारमा छुट्याउने गरिन्छ ।
a) Relative Cell Reference:
-यो MS-Excel प्रोग्रामको एउटा Default Cell Reference हो ।
-जव शुत्र प्रयोग गरिएको Cell लाई एक स्थानबाट कपि गरेर अर्को स्थानमा लगिन्छ कोलम र रो दुबैको लेबल र नम्बर परिवर्तन हुन्छ
-उदाहरको लागि A5, C20 etc.
b) Absolute Cell Reference:
-जब सेल एक स्थानबाट अर्को स्थानमा कपि गरिन्छ तब सेल Reference परिवर्तन हुदैन।
- Absolute Cell Reference मा Dollar($) चिह्न प्रयोग गरिन्छ।
- यसलाई Fixed Cell Reference पनि भनिन्छ।
- उदाहरणका लागि: $A$1
c) Mixed Cell Reference:
- यो Reference, Relative र Absolute Cell Reference मिलेर बनेको हुन्छ ।
- जब Sheet मा कुनै पनि Cell लाई कपि गरिन्छ तब कुनै एक परिवर्तनशिल हुन्छ भने अर्को स्थर रहन्छ ।
- उदाहरणको लागि $A1 मा A कोलमलाई Fixed गरेर राखिएको हुन्छ भने 1 नम्बर Row लाई परिवर्तनशिल हुने बनाइएको हुन्छ ।