Q. What are the differences between TCP and UDP?

Feb 16, 2023 03:33 PM 0 Answers Fundamental
Member Since Dec 2016
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Difference between TCP and UDP are given below:

1. It stands for Transmission Control Protocol 1. It stands for User Datagram Protocol
2. It is connection oriented protocol 2. It is connection less protocol
3. It is more relaible 3. It is less Relaible
4. It is slower than UDP 4. It is faster than TCP
5. It checks the error 5. It does not checks the error


1. यसको पुरा रुप Transmission Control Protocol हो 1. यसको पुरा रुप User Datagram Protocol हो
2. यो connection oriented protocol हो 2. यो connection less protocol हो
3. यो बढी भरपर्दो हुन्छ 3. यो कम भरपर्दो हुन्छ
4. यो UDP को तुलनामा Slow हुन्छ 4. यो TCP को तुलनामा faster हुन्छ
5. यसले गल्तिहरु जाँच गर्ने कार्य गर्दछ 5. यस गल्तिहरु जाँच गर्ने कार्य गर्दैन


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