An Batch processing system handles large amounts of data which processed on a routine schedule. | An online processing system handles transactions in real time and provides the output instantly. |
In batch processing system fewer programming, hardware and training resources are required. | In Online processing system more number of dedicated hardware resources, processing elements are required. |
To avoid operational delays certain records are processed after the event. | Immediately all the records pertaining to event are processed. |
In batch processing system input data is prepared before the execution. | In online processing system data is prepared at time of execution as needed. |
In batch processing system the processing sequence is predictable. | In online processing system the processing sequence is unpredictable. |
In this the programs and files can not be shared. | In this the program and files can be shared. |
In batch processing system programs are scheduled through jobs. | In online processing system programs are initiated through transactions. |
In batch processing system recovery and restart is easy. | In online processing system recovery and restart requires additional process. |
Examples are Inventory query, website shopping transaction, e-Banking account withdrawal etc. | Examples are month end tax calculation, data transformation, data analysis, data transformation etc. |
ब्याच प्रोसेसिङ प्रणालीले ठूलो मात्रामा डाटा ह्यान्डल गर्दछ जुन नियमितरुपमा प्रशोधन गरिन्छ। | अनलाइन प्रोसेसिङ प्रणालीले वास्तविक समयमा डाटाहरु ह्यान्डल गर्छ र तुरुन्तै आउटपुट प्रदान गर्दछ। |
यसमा कम प्रोग्रामिङ, हार्डवेयर र प्रशिक्षण स्रोतहरू आवश्यक पर्दछ। | यसमा धेरै हार्डवेयर स्रोतहरू, प्रशोधन तत्वहरू आवश्यक पर्दछ। |
ब्याच प्रोसेसिङ प्रणालीमा इनपुट हुने डाटा कार्यान्वयन अघि तयार गरिन्छ। | अनलाइन प्रोसेसिङ प्रणालीमा आवश्यकता अनुसार कार्यान्वयनको समयमा डाटा तयार गरिन्छ। |
यसमा प्रोग्रामहरू र फाइलहरू सेयर गर्न सकिँदैन। | यसमा प्रोग्राम र फाइलहरू सेयर गर्न सकिन्छ। |
ब्याच प्रोसेसिङ प्रणाली रिकभरी र पुन: सुरु गर्न सजिलो छ। | अनलाइन प्रोसेसिङ प्रणाली रिकभरी र पुन: सुरु गर्न अतिरिक्त प्रक्रिया आवश्यक पर्दछ। |
उदाहरण Inventory query, website shopping transaction, e-Banking account withdrawal etc. | उदाहरण month end tax calculation, data transformation, data analysis, data transformation etc. |
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