Saturday Quiz Set-1 December-4 (Sunlight Computer Institute, Ghorahi-Dang) 0% 10 तपाईको समय ३५ मिनेट कायम रहेको छ तोकिएको समयमा परीक्षा समाप्त गर्नुपर्नेछ । एक पटक मात्र परीक्षामा सहभागी हुन पाइने भएकोले पेजलाई Refresh वा Back नगर्नुहोला ।प्रश्नहरुको उत्तर दिइसकेपश्चात "See Result" मा क्लिक गर्नुहोलापश्नहरुको संख्या: ५० | समय: ३५ मिनेट तपाईको समय समाप्त भईसकेको छ अब तपाई उक्त Quiz मा सहभागी हुन सक्नुहुनेछैन । धन्यवाद Saturday Quiz Set-1 December-4 (Sunlight Computer Institute, Ghorahi-Dang) User Information 1 / 50 The temporary output of a computer system is called a. Hardcopy output b. Softcopy output c. Computer Printout d. None of above 2 / 50 Which computer is the fastest? A. PII 600MHz B. PIII 600MHz C. Pentium 600MHz D. 486 Turbo 3 / 50 The section of the CPU that selects, Interprets and see the execution of program instructions a. Memory b. Register Unit c. Control Unit d. ALU 4 / 50 A class of random access memory that requires periodic servicing in order for the contents to remain valid is Static RAM Dynamic RAM PROM EPROM 5 / 50 CPU consists of: a. MU b. ALU c. CU d. all of the above 6 / 50 SIMM stands for Same Inhance Memory Module Single Inline Mask Memory Single Inline Memory Module None of the above 7 / 50 Magnetic Tape is a.... a. Sequentail Access b. Direct Access c. Slow Access d. Both a and c 8 / 50 What invention enabled developers to crate micro computer a. Integrated circuit b. transistor c. vacuum tube d. magnetic disk 9 / 50 Personnel who design, program, operate and maintain computer equipment refers to A. Console-Operator B. Programmer C. Peopleware D. None of the above 10 / 50 As compared to the secondary memory, the primary memory of a computer is a. large b. cheap c. fast b. slow 11 / 50 Before a disk drive can access any sector record, a computer program has to provide the record's disk address. What information does this address specify? a. Track number b. Sector number c. Surface number d. All of the above 12 / 50 What is full form of SMPS? a. Switch mode power supply b. Simple mode Power Supply c. Storage Mode Power Supply d. Storage Mode Power Shortage 13 / 50 A terminal that cannot process any information is called…. a. direct access terminal b. intelligent terminal c. dumb terminal d. blind terminal 14 / 50 Computer cannot do anything without a a. chip b. memory c. Output device d. program 15 / 50 The basic operations performed by a computer are a. Arithmetic operation b. Logical Operation c. Storage d. All of above 16 / 50 The memory which is ultraviolet light erasable and electrically programmable is a. ROM b. RAM c. SRAM d. EPROM 17 / 50 Which of the following is a computer memory that can be programmed once, but not reprogrammed. a. ROM b. RAM c. PROM d. EPROM 18 / 50 The most common input device to control the movement of the cursor on the screen? a. Arrow keys b. Mouse c. Joysticks d. Plotter 19 / 50 First generation computer used to have processing speed in: a. Picoseconds b. Microsecond c. Millisecond d. Nanosecond 20 / 50 Any data or instruction entered into the memory of a computer is considered as a. Storage b. Output c. Input d. Information 21 / 50 Who is the credited with the idea of using punch cards to control patterns in a weaving machine? a. Ada Lovelace b. Hollerith c. Charles Babbage d. jacquard 22 / 50 CAD stands for a. Computer Aided Design b. calculator Aided Diagram c. Customized At Design d. Computer Aided Diagram 23 / 50 Joystick is……. Device. a. Input b. Output c. Processing d. Storage 24 / 50 Which of the following is an output device? Scanner Mouse Modem None of the above 25 / 50 The BIOS is the abbreviation of …….. a. Basic Input Output System b. Best input output system c. Basic Input Output Symbol d. Base Input Output System 26 / 50 The method used to scan the CRT monitor is…. Vector Scan Raster Scan MRI Scan None of the above 27 / 50 Which is non- Impact Printer? a. Laser Printer b. Dot Matrix c. Daisy Wheel d. Line 28 / 50 Data access time is depends on... Seek time Rotational Delay Operating Frequency All of the above 29 / 50 Which is the first Computing Device? a. ABACUS b. Mark-I c. UNIVAC-1 d. None of the above 30 / 50 ...........can transmit one bit at a time. Ethernet Port Decimal Serial Port Binary Port 31 / 50 The clock frequency of Pentium Processor is measured in... MHz GHz KHz None of the above 32 / 50 ASCII stands for a. American stable code for International interchange b. American Standard Case for Institutional Interchange c. American Standard Code for Information Interchange d. American standard code for Interchange Information 33 / 50 Firmware is contained in a. SRAM b. DRAM c. ROM d. Cache 34 / 50 A state, is a bi-stable electronic circuit that has… a. Multivibrator b. Flip-Flop c. Logic Gates d. None of the above 35 / 50 Which of the following RAM doesn't needs refresh? a. ROM b. SRAM c. DRAM d. all to the above 36 / 50 EBCDIC stand for a. Extended binary coded decimal interchange code b. Extended Bit code decimal interchange code c. Extended bit case decimal interchange code d. Extended binary case decimal interchange code 37 / 50 How was the generation of computer classified? a. By the device used in memory and processor b. By the speed of computer c. By the model of the computer d. By the accuracy of computer 38 / 50 Where is Firmware stored? a. RAM b. Cache c. ROM d. Hard Disk 39 / 50 Before booting system files resides on...........and after booting system files resides on......... Hard disk/RAM RAM/Hard Disk Hard Disk/ROM ROM/RAM 40 / 50 The secondary storage devices can only store data but they cannot perform a. Arithmetic Operation b. Logic Operation c. Fetch Operation d. All of the above 41 / 50 How many Pathways are provided by USB: a. Two b. Three c. Four d. Five 42 / 50 Cache Memory……….. a. Helps to store more data in hard disk b. Placed between main memory and microprocessor c. Stores data permanently d. Holds last time visited web site only 43 / 50 The second computer introduced in Nepal was a. ICL 2950 b. IBM 1401 c. ICL 2950/20 d. ICL 2950/10 44 / 50 The memory which is programmed only at the time of manufacture is a. ROM b. RAM C. PROM d. EPROM 45 / 50 Read only Access Means Allows users to access a shred directory but prevent them from editing files Allows users to access a shred directory but prevent them from deleting the files Allows users to access a shred directory but prevent them from changing the files All of the above 46 / 50 Which of the following memory is non-volatile? a. SRAM b. DRAM c. ROM d. None of the above 47 / 50 Which one is not an input device? a. Touch screen b. Optical Scanners c. Touch Pad d. Mouse Pad 48 / 50 Hard disks are formatted in the same manner as floppy disks. However, before a hard disk can be formatted, it must first be… A. Partitioned B. Sectioned C. Deleted D. Write Protected 49 / 50 The two basic types of record access methods are: a. Sequential and random b. Sequential and indexed c. Direct and immediate d. Online and real time 50 / 50 Which of the following is not input device? a. Scanner b. Light Pen c. Mouse d. Printer Your score is 0% 2021-12-03 GK SIR tweet