Koshi Province Online Test-Sunlight Computer 0% 16 तपाईको समय ३५ मिनेट कायम रहेको छ तोकिएको समयमा परीक्षा समाप्त गर्नुपर्नेछ । एक पटक मात्र परीक्षामा सहभागी हुन पाइने भएकोले पेजलाई Refresh वा Back नगर्नुहोला ।प्रश्नहरुको उत्तर दिइसकेपश्चात "See Result" मा क्लिक गर्नुहोलापश्नहरुको संख्या: ५० | समय: ३५ मिनेट तपाईको समय समाप्त भईसकेको छ अब तपाई उक्त Quiz मा सहभागी हुन सक्नुहुनेछैन । धन्यवाद Koshi Province Online Test User Information 1 / 50 Anything that is typed in a worksheet appears…. a. in the formula bar only b. in the active cell only c. in both active cell and formula bar d. All of the above 2 / 50 RAND() can….. a. returns random number 0 to 100 b. returns random number greater than 0 and less than one c. returns random number greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal one d. returns random number greater than or equal to 0 and less than one 3 / 50 in abc@gmail.com, what is the 'abc'? A. Extension B. Service provider C. Host name D. User name 4 / 50 NOW()…… a. returns current date b. returns current time c. returns current date and time that is not updatable d. returns current date and time that is updatable 5 / 50 =FV() is used to……. a. returns future value for investment b. returns foreign value of currency c. returns facebook password d. None of the above 6 / 50 Storage capacity of magnetic disk depends on…. a. Disk pack in disk surface b. Track per inch of surface c. bits per inch of track d. All of the above 7 / 50 Which shortcut key is used for spike paste a. Ctrl+F3 b. Ctrl+shift+F3 c. F3 d. All of above 8 / 50 Which of the following is a popular programming language for developing multimedia webpages? a. COBOL b. Java c. BASIC d. Assembler 9 / 50 What are the four things needed to connect to the internet? a. telephone line, modem, computer and ISP b. modem,computer,PDA and ISP c. telephone line, modem, computer and PDA d. computer, Printer,ISP and modem 10 / 50 A computer can not boot if it does not have the… a. Compiler b. Loader c. Operating System d. Assembler 11 / 50 ………are attempts by individuals to obtain confidential information from you by falsifying their identity. a. Phishing trips b. Computer Virus c. Phishing scams d. Spyware scams 12 / 50 CONVERT() function can…… a. convers time b. converts length c. converts temperature d. convers one unit to another 13 / 50 Numbers in table columns are usually…. a. Right aligned b. Left-aligned c. Justified d. Centered 14 / 50 The function of BIOS is to… a. Initialize the system hardware components b. Update the system c. Ensure system performance d. Save the system from crashing 15 / 50 Soft Page breaks….. a. Are induced by the user b. are inserted by word automatically at the end of the page c. can be deleted d. None of the above 16 / 50 A……is approximately one billion bytes. a. Megabyte b. Gigabyte c. Terabyte d. None of the above 17 / 50 Arrange sequence of computer memory in increasing order of their size. A. KB>GB<MB>TB B. KB>TB>GB>mb C. KB>MB>GB>TB D. TB>KB>MB>GB 18 / 50 Ctrl+shift+E is used for …………. a. Endnote b. track change c. Edit error d.none 19 / 50 Software you can use to create a budget is called…. a. Word processing software b. graphics software c. Utility software d. Application software 20 / 50 All of the following terms are related to spreadsheet software except.. a. worksheet b. Scenario c. Formula d. Mailing 21 / 50 Which one of the option is not shown in control panel? a. Sound b. Mouse c. Display d. My Account 22 / 50 Which of the following face will appear when you type ":(" word document? a. Smiling Face b. Neutral Face c. Frowning Face d. None of the above 23 / 50 What is windows explorer? a) A drive b) A web browser c) A network d) A file manager 24 / 50 =T() function is used for…. a. True,False b. Text c. Time d. None of the above 25 / 50 An email account includes a storage area, often called… a. mailbox b. hyperlink c. IP address d. None of the above 26 / 50 Which short cut key used for select all a.ctrl+A b. Ctrl+num5 c.both a&b d. None 27 / 50 Ctrl, Shift and Alt are called…keys. a. Modifier b. Function c. Alphanumeric d. Adjustment 28 / 50 Which function tallies all cells in a range whether the cell has a value of a label? a. COUNT b. SUMA c. COUNTA d. TOTAL 29 / 50 Rounds a number up, to the nearest multiple of significance. a. ROUNDUP b. ROUND c. CEILING d. TOP 30 / 50 Several computers linked to a server to share programs and storage space…. a. Network b. Grouping c. Library d. Integrated system 31 / 50 …….is used to convert binary number to Hexa-Decimal number. a. B2H b. Binary2Hex c. BIN2HEX d. BINTOHEX 32 / 50 Which of the following application is launched by Google for chatting? a. Spike b. IMO c. ALLO d. Hike 33 / 50 What happens when you boot up a PC? a. Portion of the operating system are copied from disk into memory b. Portion of the operating system are copied from memory onto disk c. Portion of the operating system are compiled d. Portion of the operating system are emulated 34 / 50 Which of the following is not an example of a document file? a. Spreadsheet b. Memo c. Letter d. Thesis 35 / 50 Which of the following not correct way of criteria to search the post "Manager" with related case.. a. ?anager b. M??a* c. ??nager d. #anag* 36 / 50 To converts text into small case…… a. small() b. lower() b. lowercase() d. All of the above 37 / 50 Code() function used to………. a. returns numeric code of given string b. returns alphabetic code for given string c. returns character from code d. None of Above 38 / 50 A …….. is a software program used to view web pages. a. Site b. Host c. Link d. Browser 39 / 50 Which one is used to register the any product during/after install? a. patches b. Serial Key c. email id d. database file 40 / 50 To remove extra space from the left side of string which is used? a. Left() b. Right() c. Ltrim() d. Rtrim() 41 / 50 Which of the following protocol is used to receive email? a. SMTP b. TCP/IP c. POP3 d. Both (b) and (c) 42 / 50 Microsoft office is an example of…. a. Client software b. Open source software c. Horizontal Market software d. Vertical market software 43 / 50 SIGN() function…….. a. returns 1 if the number is positive b. returns -1 if the number is negative c. return remainder d. Btoh a & b 44 / 50 We can replace a font on all slides with another font using the….option. a. Edit, Fonts b. Tools, Fonts c. Tools, Replace Fonts d. Format, Replace Fonts 45 / 50 What will be the output of the command Prompt$L$P$G? a. < C:\ > b. C: \ > c. C:>> d. C:> 46 / 50 Markup tags tell the web browser… a. How to display the page b. How to organize the page c. How to display message box on page d. None of the above 47 / 50 Which of the following function check whether two numbers are equal or not? a. NUM() b. EQUAL() c. DELTA() d. None of the above 48 / 50 A directory within a directory is called……. a. Mini directory b. Junior directory c. Part directory d. Sub directory 49 / 50 Which of the following is a group of servers that share work and may be able to back each other up if one server fails? a. Channel bank b. Cluster c. Logical unit d. Serverless backup 50 / 50 Which motherboard form factor uses one 20 pin connector? a. Baby AT b. AT c. ATX d. All of the above Your score is 0% 2023-04-22 GK SIR tweet