Koshi Province Online Test-2


तपाईको समय ३५ मिनेट कायम रहेको छ तोकिएको समयमा परीक्षा समाप्त गर्नुपर्नेछ । एक पटक मात्र परीक्षामा सहभागी हुन पाइने भएकोले पेजलाई Refresh वा Back नगर्नुहोला ।

प्रश्नहरुको उत्तर दिइसकेपश्चात "See Result" मा क्लिक गर्नुहोला

पश्नहरुको संख्या: ५०    |   समय: ३५ मिनेट


तपाईको समय समाप्त भईसकेको छ अब तपाई उक्त Quiz मा सहभागी हुन सक्नुहुनेछैन । धन्यवाद 

Koshi Province Online Test-2

User Information

1 / 75

Kerning for fronts in MS- Word can be

2 / 75

How to insert a background image in HTML?

3 / 75

Which of the following is correct?

4 / 75

Small squares, called …….. on the selection rectangle that surrounds a graphic can be used to change the dimensions of the graphic.

5 / 75

What does the VLOOKUP function do?

6 / 75

Which of the following is a video compression technology?

7 / 75

How many ways you can save a document?

8 / 75

You accidentally erased a record in the sheet. What command can be used to restore it immediately?

9 / 75

Which of the following series type is not valid for Fill Series dialog box?

10 / 75

Which of these is a valid e-mail address?

11 / 75

Which format usually works best for photos?

12 / 75

A device, which is not connected to CPU, is called as…..

13 / 75

The human readable version of a program is called……

14 / 75

Which function is used to calculate the monthly mortgage payment?

15 / 75

Which function joins two or more text strings into one text string and permits you to include the comma or space separators in the text string.

16 / 75

The scattering of the parts of the same disk file over different location is called…..

17 / 75

A computer controlled device for training exercises that duplicated the work environment is a:

18 / 75

Which of the following is the oldest spreadsheet package?

19 / 75

Which key combination is used to Maximize the program window?

20 / 75

Which view is used to with master document?

21 / 75

Page formatting which is used frequently in future is saved as………………….

22 / 75

In which mode windows starts with only the core drivers & Services?

23 / 75

Selecting the Rows 5 & 6 then choose Insert->Row. What will happen?

24 / 75

Ctrl + D shortcut key in Excel will

25 / 75

Which of the following is the most commonly used encoding standards of Unicode?

26 / 75

The Chart wizard term data categories refers to;

27 / 75

Which of the following is inverter in logical symbol?

28 / 75

BNC-T connector can be used with .......cable

29 / 75

How can you update the values of formula cells if auto calculate mode of excel is disabled?

30 / 75

When using the MLA style, position explanatory notes either at the _____ ?

31 / 75

In which version of DOS. CHKDSK command has been changed to SCANDISK?

32 / 75

802.5 can be used with..........

33 / 75

What is the smallest and largest font size available in Font Size tool on formatting toolbar?

34 / 75

Which of the following is a correct IP address that can be assigned to a computer

35 / 75

Experts say the healthiest way to view a computer monitor is by:

36 / 75

When a formatted number does not fit within a cell, it displays ?

37 / 75

SIMM stands for

38 / 75

De multiplixer means............. and....................

39 / 75

Which HTML tag can defines metadata about an HTML document?

40 / 75

What will be the output if you format the cell containing value 76549.45 as '#,##,0.00'?

41 / 75

The first graphical browser for the WWW was named:

42 / 75

What is the maximum character that can be used as password in word 2007?

43 / 75

When starting word, default document window name is

44 / 75

Which chart displays axes but cannot display axis titles?

45 / 75

How can you disable extended selection mode?

46 / 75

Freeze Panes is used to….

47 / 75

Bing is a web search engine owned and operated by

48 / 75

A program used to detect overall system malfunction is

49 / 75

A homepage is:

50 / 75

Which of the following areas in the Microsoft Excel 2010 Pivot Table field list calculates the aggregates of columns?

51 / 75

No a zoom option in ms word?

52 / 75

Shortcut key to split a table :

53 / 75

Agency responsible for Licensing Certifying  Authorities (CAs) under the Electronic Transaction Act and exercising over their activities.

54 / 75

How many pins are there in DIMM?

55 / 75

CSS is an acronym for:

56 / 75

What happens if you press Ctrl+Shift+F8?

57 / 75

Default envelopes size in MS Word 2003 is…..

58 / 75

HTML is a subset of ______

59 / 75

The……key press let you select entire table

60 / 75

The function to convert Row data to Column and /or vice versa is………..

61 / 75

 '.TMP' extension refers usually to what kind of file?

62 / 75

Which of the following is a computer memory that can be programmed once, but not reprogrammed.

63 / 75

To minimize workbook in MS-Excel use…………key

64 / 75

Which of the following port is used for POP 3

65 / 75

A normal CD-ROM usually can store up to….data?

66 / 75

In Ms-Excel 3-D reference in a formula..

67 / 75

What is the shortcut key of outline view?

68 / 75

How can you catch a computer virus?

69 / 75

Which query command does not change any data in the database?

70 / 75

Data access time is depends on...

71 / 75

The main container for , and is _______

72 / 75

____ refers to back the object to one level or to all objects.

73 / 75

You need to determine whether IP information has been assigned to your Windows NT. Which utility should you use?

74 / 75

If any person to Pirate, Destroy or Alter computer source code he shall be liable to the punishment with….

75 / 75

We can remove/hide border of a shape by selecting

Your score is


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