- CPU stands for Central Processing Unit.
- It is considered as brain of computer.
- It is responsible for data processing operation. It is also called processor.
- It is attached on motherboard.
- It consists of three parts : Control Unit (CU), Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU ) and Memory Unit (Register).
- Control unit controls all activities of computer.
- ALU unit performs mathematical calculation and logical operation.
- Registers hold data currently being processed.
CPU Cycle
CPU performs its operation in certain stages known as CPU cycle. CPU cycle consists of following steps:
- Fetch: CPU cannot access secondary storage directly. So CPU gets instructions from main memory.
- Decode: CPU translates data it obtained into computer commands
- Execute: CPU performs the actual proccesing task.
- Store: The output after the processing is sent back to main memory.
- CPU को पूर्ण रूप Central Processing Unit हो ।
- यसलाई processor मात्र पनि भनिन्छ । यसलाई कम्प्युटरको मस्तिष्क मानिन्छ ।
- यसका तीन भाग हुन्छन्: Control Unit (CU), Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) and Memory Unit ( Register).
- Control unit ले कम्प्युटरका सबै गतिविधि नियन्त्रण गर्छ
- ALU ले गणितीय हिसाबका साथै तार्किक operation सञ्चालन गर्दछ ।
- Register ले तत्काल प्रक्रियामा रहेका डाटाहरुलाई अस्थायी रूपमा भण्डार गर्ने काम गर्छ
सिपियू साइकल
CPU ले डाटा प्रशोधनको काम गर्दा जति पनि चरणहरु पूरा गर्छन् त्यसलाई CPU Cycle भनिन्छ। यस अन्तर्गगत निम्न चरणहरु पर्छन्:
- Fetch: CPU ले प्रत्यक्ष Secondary storage मा पहुँच कायम गर्न नसक्ने कारणले यसले Main Memory बाट डाटा गर्दछ ।
- Decode: CPU ले पाएका डाटालाई कम्प्युटरले बुझ्ने कमान्डमा परिवर्तन गर्छ ।
- Execute: CPU वास्तविक डाटा प्रशोधनको काम यसमा पर्छ।
- Store:डाटा प्रशोधन पछि प्राप्त नतिजालाई पुनः Main Memory मै फर्काउने काम हुन्छs।
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