Internal commands are loaded and executed by the operating system | User first requests to load external commands |
Internal commands are faster than external commands | External commands are slower than internal commands |
Internal commands are part of the shell | External commands require a path |
to load internal commands extra file does not required. | To load External commands extra files are required |
These are those commands which are contained in command.com files of MS-DOS. | These are those commands which are not in-built in MS-DOS. |
Examples of internal commands are: type, start, path, type, date, del, dir, cls, vol, ver, title, md, rd, prompt, copy con |
Examples of external commands are: edit, label, print, help, comp, sort, format, backup, restore, tree, find |
Internal Commandsहरू अपरेटिङ सिस्टमद्वारा लोड र कार्यान्वयन गरिन्छ | प्रयोगकर्ताले पहिलो पटक External Commands हरू लोड गर्न अनुरोध गर्दछ |
Internal commands हरु external commands भन्दा छिटो हुन्छ | External commands हरु Internal commands भन्दा ढिलो हुन्छ |
Internal commands हरु shell का अंश हुन | External commands हरुलाई path को आवश्यक पर्दछ |
Internal commands हरु लाई चलाउनु अन्य कुनै थप फाइलको आवश्यकता पर्दैन | External commands हरुलाई चलाउन अन्य थप फाइलको आवश्यकता पर्दछ |
यी ती कमाण्डहरू हुन् जुन MS-DOS को command.com फाइलहरूमा समावेश हुन्छन् | यी ती कमाण्ड हुन् जुन command.com भित्र निर्मित हुदैन्। |
Internal Commands का उदाहरणहरु: type, start, path, type, date, del, dir, cls, vol, ver, title, md, rd, prompt, copy con |
External Commands का उदाहरणहरु: edit, label, print, help, comp, sort, format, backup, restore, tree, find |
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