Q. What are the difference between internal command and external command of DOS?

Mar 22, 2023 02:44 PM 0 Answers Operating System
Member Since Dec 2016
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Internal commands are loaded and executed by the operating system User first requests to load external commands
Internal commands are faster than external commands External commands are slower than internal commands
Internal commands are part of the shell External commands require a path
to load internal commands extra file does not required. To load External commands extra files are required
These are those commands which are contained in command.com files of MS-DOS. These are those commands which are not in-built in MS-DOS.
Examples of internal commands are:
type, start, path, type, date, del, dir, cls, vol, ver, title, md, rd, prompt, copy con
Examples of external commands are:
edit, label, print, help, comp, sort, format, backup, restore, tree, find


Internal Commandsहरू अपरेटिङ सिस्टमद्वारा लोड र कार्यान्वयन गरिन्छ प्रयोगकर्ताले पहिलो पटक External Commands हरू लोड गर्न अनुरोध गर्दछ
Internal commands हरु external commands भन्दा छिटो हुन्छ External commands हरु Internal commands भन्दा ढिलो हुन्छ
Internal commands हरु shell का अंश हुन External commands हरुलाई path को आवश्यक पर्दछ
Internal commands हरु लाई चलाउनु अन्य कुनै थप फाइलको आवश्यकता पर्दैन External commands हरुलाई चलाउन अन्य थप फाइलको आवश्यकता पर्दछ
यी ती कमाण्डहरू हुन् जुन MS-DOS को command.com फाइलहरूमा समावेश हुन्छन् यी ती कमाण्ड हुन् जुन command.com भित्र निर्मित हुदैन्।
Internal Commands का उदाहरणहरु:
type, start, path, type, date, del, dir, cls, vol, ver, title, md, rd, prompt, copy con
External Commands का उदाहरणहरु:
edit, label, print, help, comp, sort, format, backup, restore, tree, find


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